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WKU Food Pantry offers food and toiletries to any member of the WKU community

WKU food pantry

Located at 503 Regents Avenue, the WKU Food Pantry offers food and toiletries to any member of the WKU community.

The WKU Office of Sustainability has hosted a food pantry since 2011. Each year, donations from individuals, drives at campus events, and support from grants help to fuel the pantry’s efforts to fight food insecurity in our community. 

The pantry accepts monetary donations at or donations from their preferred items list. 

This semester, the pantry is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am-3pm and on Thursdays from 9am-1pm. 

Individuals seeking to donate or pick up items can come at any point during those hours. Additionally, appointments can be scheduled seven days a week, including during winter and summer breaks. No proof of need is necessary to access the pantry. 

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