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Message from Director EHS and Emergency Director David Oliver - Before Your Student Returns for Spring Semester

Posted about 4 years ago  in WKU NewsCampus Life.

The following message was emailed to all students with recommendations as they prepare to return for Spring 2021

Dear Students,

I hope you had a restful, joyous holiday and are ready for a new year.

Congratulations on being a big reason we were able to finish the fall 2020 semester strong and on schedule. By following our Healthy on the Hill guidelines, we effectively mitigated the spread of COVID-19, allowing our campus to remain open. To remain safe and healthy, we now must remain just as vigilant as we prepare for the spring 2021 semester. And it starts before you return to the Hill.

We strongly encourage all students to practice self-isolation for at least 10 days prior to returning to campus. This means if you plan to move-in when residence halls reopen on January 15, you should begin self-isolating today. This simple precautionary measure will help ensure you do not bring COVID-19 back with you and put your campus community at risk. If you develop any of the symptoms during this period, please seek the advice of a health professional. If you test positive, notify the WKU COVID response line at 270-745-2019 so we can help you remain current in your classes.

The same basics still apply: wear a mask, maintain a physical distance of at least 6 feet from others, wash your hands often and avoid large gatherings where distancing is not maintained and masks are not enforced. You can find the latest information relevant to our campus at

We’re looking forward to seeing you on campus soon.

David Oliver Ed.D, CSP, CEM

Director of Environmental Health & Safety

Emergency Manager

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ANGELA WATSON about 4 years ago said

Love WKU


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