As we approach the fall semester we wanted to share some important information regarding the Covid-19 virus, and the steps WKU is taking to help keep the campus community safe.
First of all it is important that everyone that is able get the Covid-19 vaccine as soon as possible. For those in the Bowling Green and surrounding area, Graves Gilbert Clinic has vaccine available as do most pharmacies.
To schedule an appointment with the GGC WKU Health Services call (270) 745-2272. For those that live in other areas the CDC has a website to help you locate a provider for the vaccine.
Why should you get vaccinated? The rate of contracting Covid-19 and of potentially spreading it to others is greatly reduced in vaccinated people. In addition, the incidents of general hospital admissions and the need for intensive care treatments for a Covid infection are drastically reduced if you are vaccinated. On campus if you are fully vaccinated and you are identified as being in close contact with someone with Covid-19 you will not need to quarantine. If not vaccinated the quarantine period for a close contact will be 7-10 days.
WKU is working with our public health and medical partners in finalizing our Covid-19 policies and guidelines for the fall semester. We plan to communicate the details to the campus community in the coming days.
We will continue to monitor the status of the virus in the community, state and nation, and will maintain continual contact with our public health and healthcare partners. We need everyone to again do their part to protect their families, friends, and fellow students, faculty and staff.
David E. Oliver Ed.D, CSP, CEM
Director Environmental Health & Safety
Emergency Manager