Posted about 3 years ago
in Housing & Residence Life, Parents & Families of Residential Students.
All residence halls, except Hilltopper & Rodes, will close for spring break on Friday, March 11 at 6 PM.
Before students leave for the break, they must complete the following:
- Unplug all electrical equipment except the refrigerator. Computers, aquariums, televisions, etc., should all be unplugged (take home fish).
- Wash all dirty dishes.
- Throw away all trash and clean out the trash can. Take all trash to compactor. Activate compactor with room key.
- Depending on the type of thermostat in your room, set room temperature on 65 degrees and fan on auto -OR- set temperature between blue and red with fan speed on low (if adjustable).
- Remove belongings from closet floor.
- Remove furniture and belongings from in front of the HVAC unit, per university policy; the filter may be changed.
- Close and lock windows.
- Turn lights off.
- Lock your room.
- Sign the form on your door as you leave.
The halls will reopen on Sunday, March 20 at Noon.
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